Stockall Precision Sheet Metalwork Ltd are experts in the design, engineering, prototyping and fabrication of various sheet metal panels.
We have provided standard and custom sheet metal panels for a wide variety of industries including telecoms, industrial, automotive and medical. All control panels can be etched, engraved, screen printed and have the reverse printed.
Below are some examples of the metal panels that we have manufactured.
If you require custom made control panels please contact us to discuss your project specifications. Our experienced team will ensure consistent, quality metal fabrication work.
Rear Panelling
Powder coated, engraved and in-filled black
19″ Front Panel
Powder coated engraved and in-filled white
Control Enclosure
Etched stainless steel front panel in-filled black
Multi Colour Screen Printing
Joystick Control Enclosure
Powder coated with reversed print labelling
Train Track Control Panelling
Powder coated magnetic stainless steel with screen printing of colours and text